Proud to Praise ‘Em!

AN HISTORICAL DOCUMENT: Originally published in the spring 2008 issue of REP’s The Green Elephant newsletter


This past winter, REP was highly engaged in passing in the U.S. House the bipartisan National Landscape Conservation System Act.

Thanks to the efforts of Government Affairs Director Dave Jenkins, Policy Director Jim DiPeso, our state leaders and all REP members who worked hard to get their representatives on board, fifty House Republicans voted for the milestone bill, which will make permanent a system that includes 26 million acres of national monuments, wilderness areas, conservation areas, scenic rivers, wetlands, and historical trails, all managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

We also actively lobbied for the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008, which included formal protection for the Wild Sky Wilderness and the Eightmile Wild and Scenic River. Both enjoyed Republican co-sponsorship from, respectively, Dave Reichert (WA) and Chris Shays (CT).

This list includes many names that we don’t often get to praise and thank. If one of these House Republicans is “yours,” please tell him or her: Thank for your good vote(s) on… !!!


blue = voted for National Landscape Conservation System Act only
red = voted for the Consolidated Natural Resources Act only
bold green = voted for both

AK Don Young
AZ Rick Renzi
CA Brian Bilbray, Mary Bono Mack, Ken Calvert, John Doolittle, Jerry Lewis, George Radanovich
CO Marilyn Musgrave
CT Christopher Shays
DE Michael Castle
FL Gus Bilirakis, Ginny Brown-Waite, Vern Buchanan, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Connie Mack, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, C. W. “Bill” Young

GA John Linder
IA Tom Latham
ID Bill Sali, Mike Simpson
IL Judy Biggert, Tim Johnson, Mark Kirk, Ray LaHood, Donald Manzullo, Peter Roskam, Jerry Weller
KS Todd Tiahrt
KY Ed Whitfield
MD Wayne Gilchrest
MI Vern Ehlers, Joe Knollenberg, Thaddeus McCotter, Candice Miller, Michael Rogers, Fred Upton
MN Jim Ramstad
MO Jo Ann Emerson
MS Charles Pickering
MT Dennis Rehberg
NE Jeff Fortenberry,
Adrian Smith, Lee Terry
NV Dean Heller, Jon Porter
NJ Michael Ferguson, Rod Frelinghuysen, Frank LoBiondo, Jim Saxton, Chris Smith
NM Heather Wilson
NY Peter King, Randy Kuhl, John McHugh, James Walsh
OH David Hobson, Steve LaTourette, Deborah Pryce, Ralph Regula, Patrick Tiberi, Michael Turner
OK John Sullivan
OR Greg Walden
PA Charles Dent, Phil English, Jim Gerlach, Tim Murphy, Todd Platts, Bill Shuster
SC J. Gresham Barrett, Bob Inglis
Zach Wamp
TX Louie Gohmert
VA Tom Davis, Rob Wittman, Frank Wolf
WA Dave Reichert
WV Shelley Moore Capito
WI Tom Petri