In 2021, Republicans for Environmental Protection
gears up for another productive decade.
Our goal: to build a stronger, more-resilient organization to fight the battles ahead.
2021: Unveiling a new REP with a new logo (in 3 variations, no less) to show what we’re all about
Republicans for Environmental Protection relaunches in January 2001 in the midst of a deadly pandemic. And a serious recession. And a deeply divided, suspicious, paranoid, and social media-obsessed country.
Not to mention a transition away from the most anti-environmental administration in American history… under a Republican president who seemed bound and determined to undo every good thing that his predecessors of both parties had ever accomplished. (And if you doubt that statement, please visit The Green Elephant Coalition, an independent group of people loosely affiliated with REP.)
Our new REP sallies forth like Don Quijote into a political world where nearly 50% of American voters approved of — and wanted four more years of — that anti-science, anti-environmental, anti-conservation president’s chaotic, erratic, deceptive, and self-serving governing style. And takes on a Republican Party that for at least a decade has made no effort to appeal to those of us who once called ourselves “moderate Republicans.”
Relaunching REP in this day and age is not a project for the faint of heart. And yet, we believe our brand-new REP has a lot going for it.
FIRST: Both the ALL ABOUT REP section of this website and the THINGS WE FIGHT FOR section contain a wealth of outstanding content, most of which was written between 1996 and 2010. It remains timely and appropriate. We will reduce, reuse, recycle, rewrite, and repurpose it as needed.
We may be starting over right now, but we’re not starting from scratch. We intend to build our new REP — REP 2.0, if you will — on that same smart, persuasive, center-right philosophy.
We are already honing our new message, making sure our positions and proposals are relevant for the 2020s. The problems have not changed much — except they’ve gotten worse — and neither has REP’s pragmatic approach to solving them.
SECOND: For the most part, we believe, REP’s former members are still out there. And if you — YOU! — are one of them, we’re speaking directly to you.
Like us, you’re older than when you first joined REP years ago. Because of changes in the GOP, you may or may not consider yourself a Republican anymore. But we feel confident that you still share REP’s values and will appreciate our effort to re-establish this organization in such challenging times. We hope you will decide to support REP again and become actively engaged again. Help us grow larger and stronger and more effective than ever before.
THIRD: REP’s credibility has survived intact.
From the early feedback we’ve received about this website and our plans to relaunch, we know that REP’s reputation lives on. The goodwill we built “back then” still exists. As we’ve begun reaching out to former REP members, we find that REP is still fondly remembered for its tireless focus on the environmental and conservation issues that mattered to people like us back then… and still matter to people like us today.
FOURTH: Moving forward, REP will not operate in exactly the same way as it operated between 1996 and 2012.
However, it will be true to its original principles and renew itself in a way that fits the 2020s and beyond.
Former REP members, please join us again!
Also in this section:
- REP’s history: PART 1: 1995-2000 | PART 2: 2001-2005 | PART 3: 2006-2020 | PART 4: 2021-
- Board of Directors
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Photo at top: Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah glows in the late-winter sun. Republican President Warren G. Harding first protected this amazing landscape as a national monument in 1923. (photo © Martha Marks)