Click the links below to read statements by REP and its “sister organization” Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship on these issues.
- How Ronald Reagan saved the bathing suit, by David Jenkins, president of REP’s “sister” organization, Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship, Arizona Capitol Times, Tucson, September 2020
- Time to end the oil and gas boondoggle, by Martha Marks, board chair of REP’s “sister” organization, Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship, Albuquerque Journal, August 2020
- Best policy is made at equator, not poles, by Bryan H. Davis, REP’s Minnesota Coordinator, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, June 2008
- We can slow global warming and still grow the economy, by former New Hampshire State Rep. and REP Board Member Ted Leach, Manchester Union Leader, May 2008
- Legislators try to micromanage Clean Cars Program to undermine it, by Tina Beattie, REP’s Arizona Coordinator, Tucson Daily Star, May 2008
- State needs to stay strong on global-warming act, by Buddy Burke, President of REP’s California Chapter, co-authored with Ray Lane, managing partner of Klein Perkins Caulfield Byers, Sacramento Bee, May 2008
- Protect NH’s forests with a national plan to cut emissions, co-authored by Jameson French, a REP member in New Hampshire, Manchester Union Leader, May 2008
- Risk and Opportunity: A global warming bill could give Pennsylvania a chance to be a technology leader, by Sandy Moser, President of REP’s Pennsylvania Chapter, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2008
- Why is George Will against fuel efficiency? by Sandy Moser, President of REP’s Pennsylvania Chapter, West Chester Daily News January 2008
- Bold action must be taken on energy bill, by Don Thompson, a leader of REP’s Colorado Chapter, Pueblo Chieftain, December 2007
- GOP could boost its prospects by joining climate-change fight, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Seattle Times, November 2007
- A new spin on an old standby by Richard Stowe, a REP member in Connecticut, Hartford Courant, August 2007. Also appeared for 90 days on Government Innovations Network, a web site of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Hawaii ought to be a renewable energy paradise, Hawaii Reporter, July 2007
- Fuel economy and the GOP, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Albuquerque Tribune, June 2007
- Governor Douglas should renew party’s tradition, by Denis Rydjeski, REP’s coordinator in Vermont, Burlington Free Press, May 2007.
- Over a barrel, by Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Fortune Magazine, September 2004
- Deadly retreat on clean air, by Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Boston Globe, November 2003
- EPA should be an independent agency, by Russell Train, former EPA Administrator and a member of REP’s Honorary Board, New York Times, June 2003
- Does buying SUVs promote terrorism, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Detroit News, January 2003
- Energy legislation deplorable, by REP President Martha Marks, Honolulu Advertiser, Wilkes-Barre (PA) Times-Leader, and other newspapers around the country, October 2002
- Don’t wait till we face an irreversible situation, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 2002
- Energy bill bust, by former New Mexico Governor David Cargo, a REP member, Albuquerque Journal, June 2002
- True energy independence, by Ken Whiton, President of REP’s New Mexico Chapter, Albuquerque Journal, April 2002
- Failure to improve auto fuel standards is short-sighted folly, by Tony Cobb, a member of REP’s Board of Directors, Baltimore Sun, March 2002
- A placebo for climate change, by Bruce Smart, a REP member in Virginia, Denver Post, February 2002
- Drilling a hole in consumers’ pockets, by Vince Williams, a member of REP’s Board of Directors, and signed by President Martha Marks, Washington Post, January 2002xx
- A conservative climate stewardship plan, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, at Pacific Northwest Carbon Pricing Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2011
- Yet, Congress has failed to act, by REP President Rob Sisson, at a National Wildlife Federation event near the Kalamazoo River oil spill, July 2010
- Conservatism and Energy Policy, by Pam Ragon, a member of REP’s Board of Directors and President of the Texas Chapter, Re-Energize Texas Summit at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, March 2009
- Climate Change, by Bill McLaughlin, a member of REP’s Board of Directors, Santa Ana River Watershed Conference, Ontario, California, January 2009
- John McCain’s Energy Plan and the Imperative for Stewardship, by REP President Martha Marks, South Peninsula Area Republican Council in Los Altos, California, September 2008.
- McCain’s Conservative Case for a Climate Policy, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, University of Montana’s Center for Ethics, Missoula, August 2008
- Climate, Carbon Emissions, and Energy Choices: Why states should act, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Mainstream Repubicans of Washington, Gig Harbor, May 2008
- Climate Crisis Action Day, by REP Membership and Development Director Rob Sisson, speaking as the mayor of Sturgis, Michigan to the Climate Crisis Action Day in Washington, DC
- Decision 2020: Finding a true conservative on climate change, by REP Government Affairs Director David Jenkins, Power Shift Conference, College Park, Maryland, November 2007
- Three principles for the Washington Climate Action Team, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Washington State Climate Action Team, Seattle, August 2007
- Republicans and Global Warming: Getting beyond the climate of denial, by REP Government Affairs Director David Jenkins, National Association of Environmental Law Societies’ Great Warming Conference, Washington, DC, March 2007
- After the election: Prospects for energy legislation, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, Seattle, November 2006
- New Energy Future, by REP Government Affairs Director David Jenkins, University of the District of Columbia, October 2006
- The conservative case for conservation, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, Mesa College in Grand Junction, Colorado, October 2006
- Drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Doesn’t Solve America’s Energy Problem, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, press conference on Mercer Island, Washington State, September 2005
- Why cleaner cars make sense, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso to the Washington Public Interest Group, Seattle, December 2004.
- Puget Sound Conservatives, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso to the Puget Sound Conservatives Association, Redmond, Washington, September 2004.
- Global Warming: It’s real, so let’s gets serious, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso to the Environmental Law Society, University of Chicago, October 2003
- Just say NO! to the pork-barrel energy bill, REP President Martha Marks to the Minnesota Conservation Voters’ annual dinner, St. Paul, October 2003
- Opportunities for states in a carbon-constrained world, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso at the West Virginia Conference on the Environment, Charleston, West Virginia, October 2003.
- Clean Energy: More than a personal virtue, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso at REP’s annual conference, San Diego, California, September 2003
- EPA’s role in addressing global warming, REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso at REP’s annual conference, San Diego, California, September 2003
- Big Wind and Big Solar: Avoiding new sets of environmental problems, by Jim DiPeso, REP Vice President for Policy and Communications, C.E.P Quarterly, summer 2009, Vol 4, #4
- Help Wanted: Bipartisan climate bill, by Jim DiPeso, REP Vice President for Policy and Communications, C.E.P Quarterly, spring 2009, Vol 4, #3
- Why we endorsed Senator John McCain for President, by Policy Director Jim DiPeso, The Green Elephant, fall 2007
- Do you care more than Gore? by Pastor Bill Vanderbush, a REP member on the island of Maui in Hawaii, The Green Elephant, spring 2007
- In Florida, Life Really Is a Beach: Coastline an economic engine that drilling endangers, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, C.E.P Quarterly, spring 2007, Vol 3, #1
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Being Prudent, by by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, C.E.P Quarterly, fall 2006, Vol 2, #3
- The Proper Size of a Cocker Spaniel, by REP Board Member Bill McLaughlin, The Green Elephant, summer 2006
- Energy Policy: A prudent time for change, by REP Government Affairs Director David Jenkins, C.E.P Quarterly, spring 2005, Vol 1, #1
- Climate Change: Why conservatives should lead, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, C.E.P Quarterly, spring 2005, Vol 1, #1
- America, it’s time for a new Manhattan Project!, by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso, The Green Elephant, fall 2001
- Facts and myths about global warming: A conservative perspective by John R. E. Bliese, Ph.D. a REP member in Texas, The Green Elephant, summer 2001
- Why REP supports the EPA, written in response to a letter asking why REP supported the EPA, The Green Elephant, winter 1998
- Global Climate Change: The time is now, letter to President George W. Bush, written by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso and signed by President Martha Marks, March 2001
- Energy and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, letter to all Republican senators and representatives, written by REP Policy Director Jim DiPeso and signed by President Martha Marks, March 2001
- To Senator Ted Stevens for restoring EPA funding to federal budget, October 5, 2004
- Thank you to 3 representatives for co-sponsoring legislation to raise fuel-efficiency standards, May 2001
- John McCain’s speech on energy security, Houston, Texas, June 2008
- John McCain’s remarks at Vestas Wind Technology, Portland, Oregon, May 2008
- REP’S 2007 Endorsement of John McCain for President, Concord, New Hampshire, October 14, 2007
- REP’s Energy and Climate Position Paper (last updated 2007)
It’s official: Solar is the cheapest energy in history, Popular Mechanics, October 22, 2020
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Photo at top: Spectacular Capitol Reef National Park in Utah was blighted by oil, gas, and uranium extraction before being declared a national monument in 1937. (photo © Martha Marks)